November 2019

Hong Kong’s summer of discontent rolled on through September and October. Unfortunately, the government remained largely invisible, offering no thoughts on a political solution, while the protesters – by now mostly young students – became more violent and squandered much of the moral high ground. The police on occasion used excessive force but it became harder to hold them exclusively accountable.

I delayed writing this diary entry until late November in the hope that common sense would start to play a role. Luckily in the last few days that seems to be the case. A few credible community leaders did emerge to help the students climb down, while a new police commissioner seemed to have more credibility too.

In early October I went to Bangkok for the birthday of my eldest grandson (yes, he’s 10!) and later the same month spent a couple of days in Singapore in a desperate hunt for that elusive business success.

Rob Pelton has come for his annual fortnight with us. On the 25th of this month we will mark the 25th anniversary of Lynda’s passing, and raise a glass of quality wine in her memory. It’s what she would have wanted. We would gladly have sacrificed the wine and gone teetotal if she could have been with us.
